Ecommerce personalization examples

You can find 11 personalization examples suited for ecommerce with different objectives below. Unfortunately it is not possible to give you an exact conversion lift for each example since it depends on many different factors. However, depending on our experience we can comfortably tell that all of them will have a positive effect on your site's performance. The good thing is most of the examples will take only a day or two to implement.

If you need help to implement these ideas or need someone to come up with new ideas, feel free to reach us at

1. Lower Bounce Rate

Landing pages are the first touch point. Show them relevant content based on their referring source or advertisement.
When:On the landing page
What:If coming from a laptop ad (use utm_campaign) display a laptop ad campaign banner

2. Incentivise First Time Buyers

Getting new customers is very expensive. Motivate them to make their first purchase.
When:First visit
What:Display a campaign specific to first time visitors

3. Reduce Cart Abandonment

Did you ever think what would happen if you were able to motivate all your cart abandoners to buy?
When:At least 1 item in the cart
What:Create a sense of emergency

4. Get More Subscribers

You will definitely get more subscribers to your newsletter if you ask at the right time.
When:After a few pages viewed
What:Subscription form pop up

5. More Effective Search

Your customers are telling you what they want. Just show them the right campaign based on their search terms.
When:After search, on search results page
What:Display campaign banner relevant to keyword search

6. Increase Basket Size

Give your customers a reason to buy more.
When:The cart size is less than the expected threshold
What:A campaign to pass the threshold

7. Increase Campaign Return

Display campaign banners on relevant category pages.
When:On category pages
What:Campaign relevant to category

8. Lower Exits

It is your last chance, get them while you can.
When:The visitor is about to leave the site
What:A contact form to keep in touch

9. Maximize Revenue Per Visit

Creating sense of emergency triggers buying behaviour.
When:After a few pages viewed
What:A countdown for a campaign

10. Know Your Customers

Pop up surveys when they are willing to participate.
When:After second or third visit
What:A survey to understand what your customers want

11. Know Thyself

Learn what your customers think of you.
When:After a purchase or the delivery
What:NPM survey